Seafood · Uncategorized

The Brown Butter Chronicles

Brown Butter
Sometimes you stumble upon treasures by accident. Maybe you step on a heads-up quarter while walking down the street. Or perhaps you find a great deal on your dream Wusthof knife set (Anybody want to spring for that one?). Occasionally, it’s as easy as accidentally making brown butter. Many people purposely set a stick of butter in a shallow pan over medium heat and cook it slowly and lovingly, stirring often of course, until the milk solids separate and sink to the bottom, and the resulting final product is a golden brown pan of foamy butter with a nutty aroma. Or you can do this unexpectedly when you pop a stick of butter in a low oven to melt, forget that it’s in there and pull it out once you smell something delightful yet unintentional. That, friends, is indeed what happened this time. The ceramic dish filled to the brim with this complex pool of caramel-colored, toasted butter was the jumping board for several new recipes. And today, you’ll see just what all the fuss is about.
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Other Sweet Treats

Testing a New Ingredient

Lyle's Golden Syrup

Disclaimer:  Health nuts and dentists, you will not be pleased with what you’re about to read.  Maybe you’ll even find yourself saying ‘Those hypocrites!  Didn’t they just do a granola recipe praising a creation without funky, crazy sugars???’

But the show must go on.  Even if you do not find yourself running to the nearest shop to pick up this item, you can at least say you learned something new.  And so we continue.
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The Battle of the Oils

dscn0022Slight exaggeration in title, yes, but does that make what we’re about to expound on any less interesting?  Hopefully not!  We want to talk about our new favorite oil.  We’re not about to push that bottle of extra virgin olive oil to the back of the cabinet, but we think he’s definitely got some competition.  The new kid on the block isn’t even really all that new.  He’s been around for a while, but how often do you see his name pop up in recipes?  We daresay not often enough.  In fact, we polled maybe one or two people, and they had no idea what this oil even was.  One or two people isn’t a lot, but this isn’t Family Feud here.  We just wanted to ask around.  So what is this crazy oil that’s got us so psyched up?  It starts with grape and ends with seed.

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Don’t Waste Those Herbs!

Sweet Potato & RosemaryWe live in Los Angeles, a sprawling city where lemon, lime and orange trees pop up on every lawn and rosemary bushes grow like weeds. Well, we have something to admit. There was a house in our neighborhood with six untamed rosemary bushes that had clearly been left to grow at wild abandon. So we took a few sprigs! OK, maybe a lot of sprigs. Just ripped them off with our bare hands. Now we’ve bought more than our share of fresh herbs at Trader Joe’s, Von’s and Ralph’s, so don’t judge. Our actions were probably samaritan. Those bushes needed trimming anyways! But now we have all this leftover rosemary that should surely not go to waste, so what next? Operation Waste Not!

Continue reading “Don’t Waste Those Herbs!”